You know that feeling when it’s just one of those days and nothing is going to plan? Well, it’s been feeling like one of those years!
After the house move took much longer, and created a lot more uncertainty than we’d hoped for, we moved in with my mum for a few weeks while we got the kids’ rooms sorted, so they had somewhere nice to hang out and do school work etc. Somehow, that turned into three months (sorry Mum!) while we ripped down ceilings, had the house rewired, and the boiler moved. With no space to work there, what I’d hoped would be a break for a couple of weeks lasted much longer and although we’ve been in our new house for a few months now, we have been pretty much camping in the rubble while trying to create a home.
On top of this, I developed a chest infection over Christmas that I would usually have gotten over in a few weeks, but thanks to all the dust I’m only now starting to feel better. As I am chief plasterer, that may have slowed things down even more!
Over the last two months, we’ve been working our butts off to get our kitchen sorted and I am incredibly happy to say it’s finished!
I don’t even like cooking, but the novelty of preparing food at a sensible height without 200 year old rubble dropping into it from the floor above hasn’t worn off yet, and I can breathe again with somewhere clean to hang out.
I also have a beautiful space to do the creative part of the business away from the organised chaos of my workshop, and can now often be found at the kitchen table with a coffee and my laptop. I love the light here!
The next blog will be all about the kitchen, if you want to know how we did it and where everything came from, but in the meantime…
Although I’ve been busy making orders for a while, I have definitely been struggling with inspiration for social media and the website with everything happening and nowhere to take pretty photos, and I’m finding it hard to start again. So I’ve decided to give myself a few days off to catch up and start again properly with a little bit of a bang! I’ll be back on social media properly from Friday 5th July and I’m planning on a competition to celebrate. So if you want to win something to add that little extra to your own tomb, sweet tomb, keep an eye out!
Keep it creepy,